During the Columbia Heights Fire Prevention Open House you can spray a real fire hose, meet Dalmatians, enjoy free ice cream, watch a fire demonstration, meet local firefighters, and more!
The Columbia Heights Fire Department will host its annual Fire Prevention Open House on October 12th as part of Fire Prevention Week, October 6th-12th.
This year’s FPW campaign “Smoke alarms: Make them work for you!” strives to educate everyone about the importance of having working smoke alarms in the home.
During the Fire Prevention Open House on Saturday, October 12th, from 11am-2pm, participants can spray a real fire hose, meet Dalmatians, enjoy free ice cream, watch a fire demonstration, meet local firefighters, and more!
Don’t miss your chance to learn about fire safety at the Columbia Heights Fire Department Open House!
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Hannah is a married mom of 3 kiddos in the Twin Cities. Born and raised here in MN, she loves finding deals and special events to share with others.
Hannah enjoys spending time with family and friends, reading books, going on road trips up north, singing along with the radio and finding new thrift stores to shop! Hannah is also a fierce advocate for people with disabilities and is always on the lookout for more sensory friendly opportunities in the Twin Cities.
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